Friday, August 31, 2018

How to stop negative thinking.

How to stop negative thinking?
How to stop negative thinking?
If you are reading this article then probably you want to get rid of negative thinking. Do you think that only you got negative thoughts this much? If yes, then trust me you are in 90% of world’s population. It is very obvious to think negative unintentionally. There is a reason why such a thoughts come to our mind. I’ll tell you later in this article.

I know it bothers you many times. And it get harder to stop thinking when you are in instructed to not think about specific topic. Negative thoughts and topics can actually make you more angry then you were originally. Because it is like having battle in your mind between positive and negative. You try to fix it, not to think about it. But it keeps knocking your mind.

Why negative thoughts come?

Before going ahead first understand why negative thoughts come. There is factor which is associated with it and it is known as fear. You heard correct. Unknowingly fear causes more negative thoughts. Take few example here. sometime you think of getting rejected in an interview- that because if you couldn’t make it, you will have less money or no carrier growth. This is fear of bad economy and situation. sometime you think of catching in an accident- that because if you caught up then you will broke bunch of bones, your vehicle etc. And you don’t want to happen that. This is fear of being injured. Click here to know how fear can affects our brain.
Through these two examples, you can co-relate your negative thoughts and conclude that It is associated with Fear Factor. But one thing I want to tell you is- It is very common to think negative. Sometimes surrounding situations makes us think like an idiot. But be relax. Now come to main topic. Luckily there are few ways that can help you to stop thinking negative and refocus your mind on positive direction. It only require your will-power. We will go through these simple techniques written below in this article.

1. Focus on positive.

This is very Basic technique. You can use this technique to stop negative thinking. Only you have to practice with asking yourself a small questions from today. Question should start from “what if….” and you have to continue this question with a positive note. It is simple. Take a example here, you have to ask a question to yourself like- what if my body builds the way I want? and keep good picture of body in your mind. Keep rolling positive thoughts until you feel happy. So try this method many times a day. Make sure you ask many questions which will provoke positive thoughts as answer. This is similar to day-dreaming. I am sure that you will get a new vision of thinking positive. Click here to know more technique to stay focused on positive things.

2. Re-frame your imaginary situation.

If your mind is continuously thinking of negative situation then it gets difficult to think of positive thoughts. In such cases, you just have to re-frame the situation in your head. Always remember thoughts are by-product of the situation happening inside your mind. If your mind is full of negative scenarios, then definitely its outcome will be negative thought. So having peaceful mind is good for auto-cancelling negative thoughts. Think some of positive scenarios that could happen to you and try to re-frame the situation in your mind. Read more to know “How To Develop a Positive Mindset in Simple Steps.

3. Live in the present.

When you are having negative thoughts, then you are often thinking about something that happened or may happen. To get out of these thinking mode, you have to have full attention to present moment. Living in present is best technique where thoughts be more peaceful and constructive. Sometimes closing your eyes and breathing deeply helps to bring you to present situation real quick. Watch this video to to know how to be in present.

4. Express gratitude.

When we get negative thoughts then it is obvious to forget about good things around us. Without your knowledge there are plenty of good things that are happening around us. But you can’t see it. To know good things in surrounding, we must appreciate it. And appreciating any good thing is nothing but showing gratitude.
  • Be thankful about your dear ones.
  • Feel thankful about the roof over your head.
  • Feel thankful about meal that satisfy your stomach every day.
Click here to read how gratitude can make your life better. There are plenty of simple things that are contributing your safety, happiness and stress less life. Therefore Practice those techniques and let me know your comments in the comment section below.

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